Visha 3.0
You only need to import your own Dynamic Bones! Both Poiyomi shaders and VRCSDK are already in the project for you.
The pigtails used in the video are TDA and have since been changed. Please refer to the photos to get an accurate idea of what that avatar looks like. I apologize for the inconvenience.
2 Shorts, 2 Shirts, Ears, Tail, Long Hair and Short Hair, Pigtails, and Bikini
Fully NSFW, locomotion has been turned off for gliding purposes, clean package.
My edits are NOT to be used at all for commercial nor private use besides the use of this model. They cannot be taken apart for your own use.
Credits:Ears: Nyakoh#6969
Tail: (Me) You RANg?!#8888
Head: sweaty#1214 (Edit by me) You RANg?!#8888
Base: Pandaabear#9873 (Heavy edit by me) You RANg?!#8888
Tongue: OniiGirii#5977
Top: Cupkake#6666 Nitro Asset (Must boost the server to obtain)
Mommy Shirt and Bikini: Q.#1214
Sakura Shorts: Onion#1515
Shorts: Nauuki#5353
Shoes: gingersnap#0001
NSFW: brae#2007
Bangs - Aantara#1337
Pigtails: B o o#8584 (currently unavailable)
Long hair: Minichibi#0001
Belly Button Piercing: BeBecci#2103
Locomotion: WetCat, AlcTrap, Dj Lukis.LT, INYO and Gireison
You must acquire or purchase all assets from the original creator before using for yourself. You may NOT use this avatar to asset mine, nor may you trade for this avatar. You may not price split for this avatar. If you feel like you cannot afford to buy it but would still like to have it DM me and we can work out a discount. Do not redistribute this model in any way including giving or selling to a friend or partner. You may not upload this publicly or post this publicly anywhere. You cannot sell an edit of this avatar. DO NOT CLAIM YOU MADE THE AVATAR